The Men’s ReBuild Project


The Mens ReBuild Project.

So excited to officially announce the beginning of something truly close to my heart.

As an athlete and a coach, I have always told anyone that would listen, that what we can achieve within the 4 walls of a gym has the potential to change lives in unimaginable ways. With the ReBuild project, I intend to prove it. 

What happens when the time and the wear and tear catch up? Over the last few years I have battled with it myself. The countless injuries, the arthritis, the aches and pains from years of physical pressure I’ve exerted on myself. As a professional athlete from an early age, so physically capable for my whole life, now it hurts just to walk, let alone be athletic. I know from experience the damage it does to your confidence. Losing your faith in your body. How many men do you know that simply resign in defeat? “Oh, I just can't do that shit anymore. Too old, too broken.”

The ReBuild Project is to show men that it's NOT over. To show men that you are NEVER done, and that your physical freedom can be ReBuilt. I want to give men that were once strong and physically capable the belief that they can reach levels of physical freedom that they thought were unattainable, whether it be because of age, injuries, or just exhaustion from years of toil. 

I want to show them what's possible, because these days society seems hell bent on trying to inspire everyone, except the men that helped build the community in the first place. 

My aim, in launching this new project, is to find a group of men who identify with this situation, and give them the opportunity to see what’s possible. A group of like-minded blokes, looking to rediscover their physical freedom and feel younger, fitter, and more capable than they thought they ever could again. It might be slow, it might be uncomfortable, and it might be hard work, but if we can get those men to rediscover their confidence and self belief, it WILL be worth it.

We are all in this together.

Book your 1 on 1 appointment with Coach Dan